Return conditions:

Do you want to return an item?

You have 15 days after receiving your package to exchange or return the item*.

The product must be unworn or it will not be refundable.

Upon receipt of your package and following verification of the condition of the item, we will issue your refund.

How to return your product to us?

1 - Pack the item(s) that do not suit you, without forgetting the withdrawal form below.
You can use the original packaging or the one of your choice.

2 - Send your package with the carrier of your choice to the following address: 3 Rue Maurice de Broglie - 66330 CABESTANY
*The return is the responsibility of the customer

Withdrawal form

The form must be completed and returned only if the Customer wishes to withdraw from the order placed on


For the attention of NOHO 3 rue Maurice de Broglie 66330 CABESTANY


-       Order received on: …………………………

-       Order number: ...........................................................

-       Name: ...........................................................................

-       Address: .......................................................................

Customer's signature:
